Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The real importance of being a Dad

Laguna Hills, CA – While the entire purpose of this site is to simply share some of the experiences associated within the family of a professional baseball prospect it is much more important to note the value of parenthood with this post. Recently it was brought to attention the staggering statistics associated with children that have grown up without a Dad here in the United States. The real importance of being a Dad speaks for itself with the figures provided below. Don’t let our nation’s children fall as victims to these numbers because of adult’s unwillingness to be responsible.

Did you know that youth from fatherless homes account for the following sadness?

63 percent of youth suicides
71 percent of pregnant teenagers
90 percent of all homeless and runaway children
70 percent of juveniles in state-operated institutions
85 percent of all youth sitting in prison
85 percent of all youth who exhibit behavior disorders
80 percent of rapists motivated with displaced anger
71 percent of high school dropouts
75 percent of all adolescents in chemical abuse centers

These statistics came from the Mentoring Project Operations Manual.

It's time Dads come together to rewrite the fatherless story in our nation!

Although I’m not here to pass any judgment on anyone and the individual stories associated with their reasons. I’m also certainly not willing to stand by and let the facts continue to run out of control without writing about my concerns.

Surely by now you have come to realize the pride and love I have for my son John Lamb whom happens to be a professional baseball player with the Kansas City Royals organization. I share the very same feelings for my daughter Cayla despite the severe challenges our relationship has endured. Both Cayla and I were forced to have absence in each other’s lives for almost 16 years thanks to her Mother’s ugly demands. Luckily my son was chosen by the Royals in the 2008 Major League Baseball First-Year Player Draft and before the end of that same summer I was served papers to appear in court for child support on the balance of Cayla’s minor years. Ironic maybe but there are no regrets for my personal demands to remain on her birth records back in 1994, despite the opposite requests from her Mother. Yet another great opportunity that evolved from my son’s draft selection to play professional baseball. A perfect chance to reunite with my other child, whom I missed more than she will ever realize, came from my son’s ability to play baseball.

John at Royals Spring Training complex!

My daughter Cayla and her dog!

Children need their parents and based on the statistics noted above there just might be some undeniable value with the Dad staying involved. I can’t erase the years I lost with my daughter but I have mad myself available ever since being served legal demands of my ex-wife suddenly changing her mind. The real importance of being a Dad is much deeper than money and I envy anyone that has the opportunity to be involved with their children. I had that chance with my son, lost the chance with my daughter, but there is no excuse good enough to not be a available and love your children. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Consider the consequences if you do not get involved...

I've censored the following, in protest of a bill that gives any corporation and the US government the power to censor the internet--a bill that could pass THIS WEEK. To see the uncensored text, and to stop internet censorship, visit: http://americancensorship.org/posts/39576/uncensor

The ████ you ████ ████████

Uncensor This